Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What a difference that makes!!

Often times I find myself telling someone, "You bet, I will pray for you.", then realize that just hours later or even days have gone by and I haven't stopped to pray once for them. Now you may say, that is no big deal, God knows but in my mind, that is a big deal.

I believe that I have made an agreement with that person to pray for them and talk with God directly on their behalf. That is a big deal. In a recent conversation with my son who is in Iraq, he mentioned that he knew people were praying for him. He could sense that. He is halfway around the world and in the middle of the world's big sandbox...what a difference that makes!!!

Knowing that there are people praying for someone, something going on in another persons life or family is a big deal. Also, to realize that I get to have a small part in that life situation, that makes a big difference.

Since recognizing my shortcoming in praying for people, I now have started to stop immediately what I am doing and if possible, pray with them right there and if not with them, stop my activity and pray right then. What a difference that makes!!!

The difference is immediate because, I have just taken the need, problem, concern, worry or situation into the throne room of the Creator of ALL THINGS!!! He, God, really cares and really listens...what a thought! Then, the person knows, that I did what I said I would do. In addition, because I have gone to the Lord with that request, I am reminded of the prayer later and will again go before the Lord with the prayer again...this, is praying at all times. Not a set time, when the Holy Spirit prompts me to pray.

So, next time you tell someone you will pray for them, stop right there, do it and then watch and see how the Lord works in and through the situation. And, when He wakes you at 2 am to pray, do so with joy as you know that the One who hears our prayers, answers them...what a difference that makes!!!

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