Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is it what God wants of us?

I was recently enjoying a cup of coffee with a young man thinking that he wanted to go into ministry vocationally. During the course of our conversation, he said, "I just want to minister by way of status quo!"

After that statement, we began to talk about what that means. He defined it as just staying calm, not making waves and by all means, "don't rock the boat." That alarmed me. When I heard this, I had to ask if that is what God wants us to do? Is that how He intends us do do ministry? I don't see that as the example that He gave while Jesus walked on the earth. Jesus encountered the culture head on and as the term today is..."up in their grille". Jesus was direct, concern and definitely had compassion but was not satisfied with "status quo". Jesus took on issues, matters of concern and needs head on and made sure that the TRUTH was known and that His Words were of substance and impactful.

By the time we finished our coffee, I had shared my concern with that kind of approach to ministry. I don't believe God desires for us to me living a life that is "status quo." He deliberately and intentionally saved me from an eternity separated from Him in hell. That's not status quo. He clothes me with His Son's Righteousness. That's not status quo. He has promised me a life in eternity spent with Him. That's not status quo. That is more than I deserve and also more than I can imagine.

Status quo, that's not what I want. That's not how I want to live.

1 comment:

Tim and Teresa Karr said...

I read Matt. 9:10-13 this morning, and couldn't help but see the relationship between this verse and what you have to say. Can't you just see it...Jesus, hanging out with the tax collectors and sinners and having a good ole time. The religious people walk up and are shocked..."Why, Jesus! you are hanging out with those people!?!?!?" Translate this into modern day terms. If we Christians hang out with the sinners, what will our religious leaders (or fellow disciples for that matter) think of us. Would they say "Why Shack! you are hanging out those people!?!?!?" You are right, Jesus was all about breaking the status quo. He was all about not being just another religious leader. He was all about real people. sick people. sinners. you. me. He wasn't content to just get by as a brilliant teacher (see Matt. 5-7) he truly came to heal the sick.
I guess we were on the save Jesus wave length