Sunday, June 21, 2009


In 1980, I was in my Homiletics class (Preaching) and recalled the prof telling all of the students that we were going to work on developing an order of service and this is how a worship service is to be conducted.

You start with the organ prelude, welcome and opening prayer, a couple of hymns of the faith from the 1800’s, (slow and mundane), then an offering followed by a sermon not to exceed more than 20 minutes and then the final hymn and a closing prayer.

Well, contrary to popular belief, that is not a worship service! In fact, today I had the pleasure of attending a small church in the mountains in northern California. Rackerby Community Church is a small body of believers that today, were hit with some shaking news. One of member’s daughter died totally unexpected. Right in the middle of the service, Pastor Lee Beldon, AMF Area Missionary stopped the service when the grandson of the member burst into the service and demanded that the member come now and leave.

As she left, Pastor Lee immediately took the body to prayer and then call Joe to the front as well as myself. Joe took the offering and Pastor Lee asked me to bring the message from the Word. At that point, Pastor Lee left to be with the family. That meant that the entire order of service was changed and that the flow was interrupted. The body came together for the family in need and the service went on.

In most churches that would completely be disturbing and the question would be, “What now?” “I was never trained for this in seminary?”, might be the response. Contrary to popular belief, Pastor Lee followed the Holy Spirit and the WORSHIP SERVICE went on. It looked different, had a different impact but, God was glorified and HIS WORD was preached!!!

What a great lesson and eternal impact was made when the Spirit leads and we follow! Contrary to popular belief, when you let the Holy Spirit direct, it comes together for HIS GLORY!!

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